all postcodes in CA6 / CARLISLE

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Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
CA6 6AA22254.971375-2.952091
CA6 6AB1054.966052-2.947888
CA6 6AD3054.971574-2.949177
CA6 6AE4054.968796-2.933147
CA6 6AF15054.977415-2.926313
CA6 6AG1054.971176-2.953383
CA6 6AH13054.972531-2.979613
CA6 6AJ3054.970738-2.991301
CA6 6AL4054.963069-2.974979
CA6 6AN3054.968913-2.97881
CA6 6AP10054.9719-2.950447
CA6 6AQ2054.973809-2.967805
CA6 6AU9054.97916-2.875229
CA6 6AW10054.962298-2.957858
CA6 6AY9154.980375-2.873212
CA6 6AZ13054.986096-2.881584
CA6 6BA2054.993097-2.888446
CA6 6BB5154.996558-2.887582
CA6 6BD8054.995557-2.875105
CA6 6BE7055.0048-2.871929